Plant of the Week

SL.NO Plant of The Week View
1 Coscinium fenestratum VIEW
2 Quassia indica VIEW
3 Argyreia nervosa VIEW
4 Desmodium triflorum VIEW
5 Rivina humilis VIEW
6 Aloe vera VIEW
7 Elephantopus scaber VIEW
8 Alpinia calcarata VIEW
9 Homalocladium platycladum VIEW
10 Vetiveria zizanioides VIEW
11 Evolvulus alsinoides VIEW
12 Eryngium foetidum VIEW
13 Strobilanthes heyneanus VIEW
14 Ipomoea mauritiana VIEW
15 Tylophora indica VIEW
16 Azolla pinnata VIEW
17 Salvinia molesta VIEW
18 Osmunda hugeliana VIEW
19 Ophioglossum reticulatum VIEW
20 Odentosoria chinensis VIEW
21 Nephrolepis falcata VIEW
22 Nephrolepis cordifolia VIEW
23 Microsorum scolopendria VIEW
24 Microlepia speluncae VIEW
25 Marsilea minuta VIEW
26 Lygodium flexuosum VIEW
27 Lindsaea ensifolia VIEW
28 Lepisorus nudus VIEW
29 Huperzia niligarica VIEW
30 Hemionitis arifolia VIEW
31 Haplopteris elongata VIEW
32 Drynaria quercifolia VIEW
33 Cheilanthes tenuifolia VIEW
34 Acrostichum aureum VIEW
35 Angiopteris evecta VIEW
36 Pteris biaurita VIEW
37 Adiantum lunulatum VIEW
38 Thelypteris dentata VIEW
39 Stenoclaena palustris VIEW
40 Adiantum peruvianum VIEW
41 Actiniopteris radiata VIEW
42 Pyrrosia porosa var porosa VIEW
43 Pteris vittata VIEW
44 Pteris quadriaurita VIEW
45 Pteris ensiformis VIEW
46 Pteris biaurita VIEW
47 Pityrogramma calomelanos VIEW
48 Microlepia speluncae VIEW
49 Equisetum ramosissimum VIEW
50 Dicranopteris linearis VIEW
51 Chelianthes mysurensis VIEW
52 Blechnum orientale VIEW
53 Angiopteris evecta VIEW
54 Adiantum latifolium VIEW
55 Adiantum hispidulum VIEW
56 Adiantum caudatum VIEW
57 Withania somnifera VIEW
58 Rauvolfia serpentina VIEW
59 Mesua ferrea VIEW
60 Justicia adhatoda VIEW
61 Holostemma ada-kodien VIEW
62 Glycosmis pentaphylla VIEW
63 Cardiospermum halicacabum VIEW
64 Blepharis maderaspatensis VIEW
65 Ayapana triplinervius VIEW
66 Artemisia nilagarica VIEW
67 Abrus precatorius VIEW
68 Sandal wood VIEW
69 Amla VIEW
70 Malabar tamarind VIEW
71 Mango tree VIEW
72 Guava VIEW
73 Rain tree VIEW
74 Divi-divi VIEW
75 Arjuna tree VIEW
76 Black pepper VIEW
77 West Indian mahogany VIEW
78 False ashoka VIEW
79 Star pine VIEW
80 Thuja VIEW
81 Paradise tree VIEW
82 Orange honey bush VIEW
83 Iron wood of Malabar VIEW
84 Queen's crape-myrtle VIEW
85 Mountain ebony VIEW
86 Bottle brush VIEW
87 Magnolia champaca  VIEW
88 Saraca asoca VIEW
89 Diospyros ebenum VIEW
90 Strychnos nux-vomica VIEW
91 Anthocephalus cadamba VIEW
92 Ficus tinctoria VIEW
93 Madhuca longifolia VIEW
94 Calotropis gigantea VIEW
95 Mimusops elengi VIEW
96 Ficus racemosa VIEW
97 Ficus religiosa VIEW
98 Spondias pinnata VIEW
99 Oil Palm, African oil palm VIEW
100 Red Oleander, Rose Bay. VIEW
101 Cardboard Palm, Mexican Cycad VIEW
102 False Sago, Fern Cycas ,Palm-Leaved Cycas VIEW
103 Copper Pod, Rusty Shield-Bearer. VIEW
104 East Indian Rosebay VIEW
105 Java Plum, Jambolan, Black Plum VIEW

BSc Result 2023

Congratulations to dear students

Total students registerd - 23

Total students passed  - 23

S(Outstanding) - 1

A+ - 5

A - 8

B+ - 2

B - 6

C - 1


Hearty Congratulations

Sreelakshmi B

2nd Position MSc Botany 2021-23

CGPA: 4.61 (A+)
